Well unfortunately because google picasa (what ever that is) caps the amount of pictures you put on the internet when you use your google account (1GB), I cannot put anymore pictures on my blog...I'm not too sure how to fix this yet...
For anyone who wants to read issue number 3, you can read the 3rd issue in PDF form here:
Thank you. And please leave comments on any parts you don't understand or if the pictures are just overall too confusing. Go nuts on it. I want to know what doesn't work. I bode well to critisism. It makes me stronger like a sayan. I have a feeling my pictures are pretty confusing at times. And the flashbacks maybe a little hard to crasp straight away. I might have to add an extra shading of grey to help clarify things. Also, its hard to know if I'm feeding the reader enough information so they're not just constantly confused about whats going on.
Fantastic! I'm rooting for him :D